Improve the Members' Experiences
via OPEN POINT Redesign

The goal of this project is to improve the 7-Eleven's members' contribution to the revenue by optimizing the user experience of OPEN POINT App.
I was part of the project to redesign how 7-Eleven's members experience the usage of Points and let them make the most of Points rewards & benefits.
Study of Current Business Status of 7-Eleven
As the second highest in world for ratio of convenience stores per population, the wars between the convenience stores in Taiwan are still intense nowadays.
Our studies concluded the following phenomenon:
7-Eleven, the largest chain convenience stores in Taiwan started to make the digital transformation aggressively in 2020, while the biggest competitor - FamilyMart, has dug into the digital transformation for a long time, and the revenue growth rate difference between 7-Eleven and FamilyMart is getting bigger than ever this year

Revenue growth rate by year of 7-Eleven and FamilyMart
The number of digital members of 7-Eleven soared in the second half-year, while the members' contribution to the revenue is still way lower than FamilyMart
7-Eleven actually launched OPEN POINT App for members' management, however the rating is still lower than other competitors

Comparison of the rating of different Apps
Design Goal: Matching the Design Goal to the Business Goal
North Star Metrics - Business Goal
The North Star Metric (NSM) is a metric that a company uses as a focus for their business growth. Based on the preliminary business study, we concluded the North Star Metrics for 7-Eleven
"To improve the digital members' contribution to the revenue"
How Might We… - Designer's Goal
From the insights of the business study
The members' contribution to the revenue is still way lower than FamilyMart
The rating of OPEN POINT App for members' management is still lower than other competitors
We proposed the following design goal that matches the business goal
"How might we improve the digital members' contribution by
optimizing the user experience of OPEN POINT APP"
We also developed the MECE analysis from NSM to help us decompose the problems, explore how the OPEN POINT App can fit into the problem space, and create the interview outline for the user research.

We used Miro to collaborate the MECE Analysis
User Research
1st Stage: Research Based on MECE Analysis
Stakeholders Map Analysis
We deconstructed the related stakeholders which could be classified into service providers and service receivers and focused on the franchise owner and their customers

Stakeholders Map for 7-Eleven
The interview was conducted to the franchise owner and their customers, which is based on the three aspects of MECE: "Improve the members' contribution", "Improve the frequency of purchase", and "Increase per customer transaction"
The insights
- For the customers, the services that are frequently used are the usage of points and mobile payment
From the franchise owner, the current goal of 7-Eleven is to upgrade the services by the strategies of "Reward Points", "Members" and "Mobile Payments"
2nd Stage: Focusing on the Points and Payment services in OPEN POINT App
We decided to do further exploration for Reward Points and Payment services in OPEN POINT App, which match both business goals and users' expectations.
Analysis for the usage of Points: we conducted the competitive analysis for the flow of Points usage

Competitive analysis for Points usage in different Apps
Online questionnaire survey: quantitatively getting the knowledge of how user use their Points, the pain points and expectations when using Points
Interview for the user who are not familiar to the usage of Points: we conducted the field study by interviewing and user testing of executing specific tasks including mobile payment, Points usage via OPEN POINT App, and their understanding toward the Points rewards and benefits
The Results
10+ users tested and interviewed
1000+ responses from online survey
We finally conducted user testing for 10+ users, and collected 1000+ effective responses from online questionnaire survey.
The Insights
We extracted the behavioral variables from the result of the interview, including "the knowledge of Points related information" and "how actively the user will use the Points service ", and classified the following quadrant chart of Persona

Personas of the 7-Eleven's members
Analysis of online questionnaire survey
The top 2 services that the 7-Eleven's members use are "checking the total Points" and "the usage of Points (includes Points redeem and donate)"
Beside "System stability", the top 2 usability issues are "complicated interface" and "difficulty of understanding the Points policy" in the effective qualitative suggestion
Developing the Design Strategy
Selecting the Target Audience for Design
From the questionnaire survey we found that most people have difficulty understanding the Points policy and related information, hence we chose "Points Stockpiler " as our target audience
Depicting the "Points Stockpiler"
From the questionnaire survey we found that most people have difficulty understanding the Points policy and related information, hence we chose "Points Stockpiler " as our target audience
Points Stockpiler
Behaviors and feeling
They think they would possibly use Points in the future
They earn Points actively for themselves or other people they know
They tend to have specific goal for earning or redeeming Points
Pain points
They only know some certain ways for earning Points
Lack of channels for getting the redeem information
They haven't join any member online community
The Journey Map
The specific pain points happen in the stage after leaving the store, including-
They don't know what else they can do with the Points
They don't know why there are 2 kinds of Points
They feel frustrated every time they see how less the Points they've got while they've been earning them for a long time

Journey map of the Points Stockpiler
Summary of the Pain Points of Points Stockpiler
They are willing to redeem the Points if there are good offers, but they lack opportunities for discovering new offers
They want to explore the offers via OPEN POINT App, but usually give up because of the messy information
They want to know more about the Points reward and benefits, but they have difficulty of understanding the Points policy and have no sense of achievement for earning points
Design Strategy
Remove the barrier of understanding Points rewards & benefits
Improve the opportunities for getting in touch with the information of Points multiple services
Mapping to OPEN POINT App Optimization
For 1.
[Landing Page] Re-constructed the information architecture to let the people more easily to understand the value of Points and explore the ways for redeeming the Points
[Points Redeem Page] Optimize the flow of redeeming 2 kinds of Points
For 2.
[Points History Page] Guide the user to explore more Points services within Points History
[Checkout] Add a new page for intensifying the users' impression about earing Points the motivation for using them
Concepts of Core Features
Landing Page
Issues Analysis
The value and policy of Points are not easy to understand
There's no clear entries for instructions of 2 different Points policies - Open Points and 7-Eleven Points
The field of Open Point is shown in 2 decimal points that has no real value, which is redundant to the users.
The overflow of advertisements effects the legibility and the checkout process: pop-up advertisements after logging in interrupt the user during checkout or checking the Points
Information of marketing activities are not easy to browse (including different form of marketing information (marquee, carousel and banner)
Levels of different features are not clear: chaotic interface, buttons and texts for instructions are put together makes the user can not find the desired services and information effeciently

Original landing page of OPEN POINT
Design Solutions
Enhance the level of Points information:
The fields of Open Points and 7-Eleven Points are displayed in card form
Add clear Points instructions and the entries of redeem for both kind of Points
Classify the display of marketing activities to make the users can effectively get the related information
Points redeem voucher: put the key features - Points redeem in the landing page
Redeem Recommendation: giving the redeem recommendation for the user based on the history of redeem, purchasing, and the amount of Points

New landing page of OPEN POINT
Improve the Members' Experiences
via OPEN POINT Redesign

The goal of this project is to improve the 7-Eleven's members' contribution to the revenue by optimizing the user experience of OPEN POINT App.
I was part of the project to redesign how 7-Eleven's members experience the usage of Points and let them make the most of Points rewards & benefits.
Study of Current Business Status of 7-Eleven
As the second highest in world for ratio of convenience stores per population, the wars between the convenience stores in Taiwan are still intense nowadays.
Our studies concluded the following phenomenon:
7-Eleven, the largest chain convenience stores in Taiwan started to make the digital transformation aggressively in 2020, while the biggest competitor - FamilyMart, has dug into the digital transformation for a long time, and the revenue growth rate difference between 7-Eleven and FamilyMart is getting bigger than ever this year

Revenue growth rate by year of 7-Eleven and FamilyMart
The number of digital members of 7-Eleven soared in the second half-year, while the members' contribution to the revenue is still way lower than FamilyMart
7-Eleven actually launched OPEN POINT App for members' management, however the rating is still lower than other competitors

Comparison of the rating of different Apps
Design Goal: Matching the Design Goal to the Business Goal
North Star Metrics - Business Goal
The North Star Metric (NSM) is a metric that a company uses as a focus for their business growth. Based on the preliminary business study, we concluded the North Star Metrics for 7-Eleven
"To improve the digital members' contribution to the revenue"
How Might We… - Designer's Goal
From the insights of the business study
The members' contribution to the revenue is still way lower than FamilyMart
The rating of OPEN POINT App for members' management is still lower than other competitors
We proposed the following design goal that matches the business goal
"How might we improve the digital members' contribution by
optimizing the user experience of OPEN POINT App"
We also developed the MECE analysis from NSM to help us decompose the problems, explore how the OPEN POINT App can fit into the problem space, and create the interview outline for the user research.

We used Miro to collaborate the MECE Analysis
User Research
1st Stage: Research Based on MECE Analysis
Stakeholders Map Analysis
We deconstructed the related stakeholders which could be classified into service providers and service receivers and focused on the franchise owner and their customers

Stakeholders Map for 7-Eleven
The interview was conducted with the franchise owner and their customers, which is based on the three aspects of MECE: "Improve the total amount of digital members ", "Improve the frequency of purchase", and "Increase per customer transaction"
The insights
- For the customers, the services that are frequently used are the usage of points and mobile payment
From the franchise owner, the current goal of 7-Eleven is to upgrade the services by the strategies of "Reward Points", "Members" and "Mobile Payments"
2nd Stage: Focusing on the Points and Payment services in OPEN POINT App
We decided to do further exploration for Reward Points and Payment services in OPEN POINT App, which match both business goals and users' expectations.
Analysis for the usage of Points: we conducted the competitive analysis for the flow of Points usage

Competitive analysis for Points usage in different Apps
Online questionnaire survey: quantitatively getting the knowledge of how user use their Points, the pain points and expectations when using Points
Interview for the user who are not familiar to the usage of Points: we conducted the field study by interviewing and user testing of executing specific tasks including mobile payment, Points usage via OPEN POINT App, and their understanding toward the Points rewards and benefits
The Results
10+ users tested and interviewed
1000+ responses from online survey
We finally conducted user testing for 10+ users, and collected 1000+ effective responses from online questionnaire survey.
The Insights
We extracted the behavioral variables from the result of the interview, including "the knowledge of Points related information" and "how actively the user will use the Points service ", and classified the following quadrant chart of Persona

Personas of the 7-Eleven's members
Analysis of online questionnaire survey
The top 2 services that the 7-Eleven's members use are "checking the total Points" and "the usage of Points (includes Points redeem and donate)"
Beside "System stability", the top 2 usability issues are "complicated interface" and "difficulty of understanding the Points policy" in the effective qualitative suggestion
Developing the Design Strategy
Selecting the Target Audience for Design
From the questionnaire survey we found that most people have difficulty understanding the Points policy and related information, hence we chose "Points Stockpiler " as our target audience
Depicting the "Points Stockpiler"
From the questionnaire survey we found that most people have difficulty understanding the Points policy and related information, hence we chose "Points Stockpiler " as our target audience
Points Stockpiler
Behaviors and feeling
They think they would possibly use Points in the future
They earn Points actively for themselves or other people they know
They tend to have specific goal for earning or redeeming Points
Pain points
They only know some certain ways for earning Points
Lack of channels for getting the redeem information
They haven't join any member online community
The Journey Map
The specific pain points happen in the stage after leaving the store, including-
They don't know what else they can do with the Points
They don't know why there are 2 kinds of Points
They feel frustrated every time they see how less the Points they've got while they've been earning them for a long time

Journey map of the Points Stockpiler
Summary of the Pain Points of Points Stockpiler
They are willing to redeem the Points if there are good offers, but they lack opportunities for discovering new offers
They want to explore the offers via OPEN POINT App, but usually give up because of the messy information
They want to know more about the Points reward and benefits, but they have difficulty of understanding the Points policy and have no sense of achievement for earning points
Design Strategy
Remove the barrier of understanding Points rewards & benefits
Improve the opportunities for getting in touch with the information of Points multiple services
Mapping to OPEN POINT App Optimization
For 1.
[Landing Page] Re-constructed the information architecture to let the people more easily to understand the value of Points and explore the ways for redeeming the Points
[Points Redeem Page] Optimize the flow of redeeming 2 kinds of Points
For 2.
[Points History Page] Guide the user to explore more Points services within Points History
[Checkout] Add a new page for intensifying the users' impression about earing Points the motivation for using them
Concepts of Core Features
Landing Page
Issues Analysis
The value and policy of Points are not easy to understand
There's no clear entries for instructions of 2 different Points policies - OPEN POINT and 7-Eleven POINTs
The field of OPEN POINT is shown in 2 decimal points that has no real value, which is redundant to the users.
The overflow of advertisements effects the legibility and the checkout process
Pop-up advertisements after logging in interrupt the user during checkout or checking the Points -
Information of marketing activities are not easy to browse (including different form of marketing information (marquee, carousel and banner)
Levels of different features are not clear
Chaotic interface, buttons and texts for instructions are put together makes the user can not find the desired services and information efficiently

Original landing page of OPEN POINT
Design Solutions
Enhance the level of Points information:
The fields of OPEN POINT and 7-Eleven POINTs are displayed in card form
Add clear Points instructions and the entries of redeeming for both kind of Points
Points redeem voucher
Put the key features - Points redeem in the landing page -
Classify the display of marketing activities to make the users can effectively get the related information
Redeem Recommendation
Giving the redeem recommendation for the user based on the history of redeem, purchasing, and the amount of Points

New landing page of OPEN POINT
Checkout Process
Instance notification for Points and purchase information that enhance the knowledge of earning Points: The dialog of earned Points and the purchase information will pops out short after checkout via OPEN POINT App

Pop-out dialogue for purchase information
Checking the Points History
Issues Analysis
The Points record of every single purchase is separated from the purchase history, which let the user hard to connect the relationship between Points and purchase
Lack of instructions for Points usage
There's no guide for further actions after checking Points, which can not motivate the user to explore more services and values of Points -
Inconsistent flow and content
The field of Open Points on the landing page will lead to the "Points Redeem" page, while the same field on the [Member] page goes to [Points History]

Original page of Points History

Inconsistent flow and content of original App
Design Solutions
Optimized the display of Points history
Add the Call To Action button for Points earning and redeem, which makes the user to discover more of Points usage
Combine "Points Earned" and "Points Used" in one page that makes the user to get the whole pictures of Points activities more easily
Show the expense in the Points record can make the user understand the relationship between them easily
Flow rearrangement: The fields of OPEN POINT and 7-Eleven Points will lead to the corresponded tab in [Point History]

New Points History page

New flow for consistency of checking Points History
Points Redeem
Issues Analysis
The classification of the items for redeem is not easy to browse, making the users couldn't find the product that they can redeem or other Points usage
Promotion banners were put in the higher priority which has a weak connection to the users for Points redeem

Oringinal Points Redeem page
Design Solutions
Combine the entries of Points redeem of OPEN OPINT and 7-Eleven POINTs together
Move the entry of "Get Points" in the Points card to make the layout of each Points card consistent
Hints for items that can be or closely be redeemed are tagged on each items' cards
Redesign the category of Points to make the user browse the redeem items more easily

New Points Redeem page

New category for Points Redeem
Future Work
While the project is in the middle of the roadmap, we've got several useful insights based on our research and has developed initial redesign for the OPEN POINT App. For the next steps we'll selected the users with higher loyalty to 7-Eleven based on our online survey to dig into the users' profile and their needs. The prototype testing will also be conducted for design validation.